Let’s face it. Work and life isn’t always easy. Today, we live in a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). What do you need to do to not only survive, but thrive?
In this program, we’ll discuss adversity and the root cause of your stress today. We’ll uncover the differences between the stresses and pressures you face – some stress is good, too much is not. Do you spend spend a lot of time ruminating about things – playing it over again and again in your head? That only makes matters worse. Come and find out the definition of resilience and learn how you can become more resilient. Commit to implementing one of the four key strategies to build resilience and reduce your stress: managing your personal energy, shifting your lenses, identifying your sense of purpose, or finding your flow activity.
You learn resilience every time you face a stressor, big or small. This program will help you face those challenges more effectively. After attending this program, participants should be able to: