The Focal Team Assessment is a web-based assessment which provides teams an opportunity to self-assess. We’ve found this report/feedback to be a great tool in stimulating conversations around important issues to the team. And, most importantly, the assessment doesn’t just help the team bring up the team’s issues, it also moves the team toward developing an action plan of self and team improvement.
Within this assessment, there are four primary factors key to effective teams: culture, structure, clarity, and execution. The questions on the assessment break these four factors down to more specifically what high-performance teams do, including: accountability, agility, alignment, collaboration, communication, decisiveness, empowerment, learning, meetings, personal expression, processes, reliability, resources, support, transparency, and trust. We also have the ability to customize this tool/both the closed and open-ended questions asked, so we are assessing things relevant to your specific team and industry.
PeopleWorks can work with your team to facilitate the results and develop an action plan for the team, or you can just have us administer the team assessment.
The Focal High-Performance Team Assessment gives each team member the opportunity to provide feedback about the team. The individual scores and open-ended comments are combined into one report for the team to review, discuss, and develop actions around to improve team’s performance.
Focal High-Performance Team Assessment Sample Report