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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

The Online Team Assessment provides a tangible measurement tool for the Five Dysfunctions of a Team model. Since 2004, over 100,000 individuals have gone through our Assessment. A variety of teams—from Fortune 500 executive teams, to NFL coaching staffs, to school principals and their teachers—have used and benefited from the Assessment. With only 38 questions, this tool provides a quick, effective snap-shot for team performance.Upon completion of the Online Team Assessment, facilitators will receive a Team Assessment Report which offers customized data outlining a team’s strengths and weaknesses, recommendations for overcoming potential dysfunction and specific instructions for debriefing the results.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Facilitator will receive a customized, color report that reviews the dysfunctions, reveals team results and offers next steps.
  • The expanded 26-page report highlights performance on an easy-to-read stoplight scale of red-yellow-green (see sample report).
  • The report outlines specific advice and exercises for building a functional, cohesive team.
  • Initial results will provide a baseline for team performance.

Advanced Feature — The Comparison Report For teams that want to gauge their progress over time, a Team Assessment Comparison Report is available. The Comparison Report graphically compares how a team’s performance changed over time and highlights strongest areas, weakest areas, areas of greatest improvement and areas of greatest decline. It is recommended that a team retest six months to one year after the initial Team Assessment. Teams who choose to retest themselves will receive this new report in addition to the standard Team Assessment Report.

For More Information:

Call about on-site facilitation of this report with your team. See the program descriptions:


Price: $50.00