Since 1998, we've been creating and delivering customized interactive training programs, workshops, seminars, keynotes, and coaching sessions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can partner with you!




The word accountability sometimes makes people run for the hills. If things turn out well, the employee is accountable, if things turn out poorly, the employee is not accountable. Part of this is because people misunderstand what accountability is. First, what accountability is NOT: blame, fault, red tape, or a way to control other people. Holding people accountable is a process that will discuss in this program: setting expectations, gaining commitment to the expectation, taking ownership/responsibility to do what it take, giving feedback, and of course, accountability.



As a result of this program, participants should be able to:


  • Learn what holding others accountable really means – what accountability is and what it isn’t, and who can hold who accountable.
  • Determine the difference between a victim thinking mentality and an accountability mentality.
  • Describe the difference drama makes in the value an employee brings to the job – and a framework for you to use to discuss this with your team.
  • List the important factors in setting expectations effectively, so accountability is front-loaded.
  • Explain what it means for you/your team to take a problem solving response vs. an emotional response when the going gets tough (or it looks like you might not get the desired results).
  • Remember to recognize when someone has met or exceeded expectations (accountability is not just when things go wrong).  It is fair to reward your best!